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Talking Hospitality

Leadership Posts

Explore our selection of blogs dedicated to developing strong hospitality leadership. Discover advice and tips on how to deal with change, inspire your team, and stay ahead of the constant leadership challenges in Hospitality. Whether you're a supervisor, hotel manager or company owner, our blogs aim to guide you to becoming a more impactful & successful hospitality leader.
June 17, 2024

Why Is Saying "We Don't Have Time" A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

When the war broke out in Ukraine, I had the privileged ability to put Ukrainian refugees into Hospitality work.   During this time, I will never forget this, one 4-star hotel employer said to me: "I have vacancies for waiters, but I need th…

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May 27, 2024

Is It Possible To Collaborate With Your Competitors?

The Collaborative Advantage: Treating Competitors as Allies in the Hospitality Industry There is power in collaboration. But often, when it comes to business, there are people I know who tend to overlook the potenti…

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May 20, 2024

Are Mavericks In The Workplace a good thing?

Ah. There are team players and there are not team players and then, there are the mavericks. Mavericks are defined in the Oxford Language dictionary as: "an unorthodox or independent-minded person." There comes a point in any evolving team where…

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May 6, 2024

How Can I Train My Team When I'm Too Busy?

"I'm too busy to train my team" Many, many times I have heard Hospitality business owners or managers complaining about how busy they are and that they just don't have time to train their staff.   Does this sound familiar? Maybe you yoursel…

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April 1, 2024

Why Does Change Have To Start With You?

Meditation expert and scientist Jon Kabat-Zinn once wrote: "Wherever you go, there you are". I was delighted to be a guest on a podcast with Michele Delagado as part of her Hartmetrics series on "Resilience". It was the first time that I publ…

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